Sunday 14 August 2011

Last day of training, boo!!

Hi all,

Lorelei & Hayley updating the blog today!
Today was our last day of training on our project, we taught all about how to plan for a camp.
The ladies were quite engaged, they struggled a little deciding what should be done first when planning a camp and decided that they should plan activities before deciding on the number or age of girls or even what the budget was. They managed to plan a 24 hour camp with little problems and presented their ideas back to the group - using lots of the activities ideas that we had shown them in previous trainings, which was good.

We did a evaluation of the trainings, which was very positive. Their only complaint was there was not enough dancing during training sessions!!! What can we say - we had to fit in 5 days of training into 2 and half, which limited the amount of time we could give to dancing. As that was their only complaint, we felt that it must of gone pretty well!

They were all very appreciative and the Central Region Commisoner gave a nice speech at the end about how grateful they were and who ever comes next year need to come and say hi to everyone!
We have debrief hopefully tomorrow with all the important people.

We are now off for a celebratory meal at a secret location as Lorelei won't tell us where we are going!

lots of love
Team Malawi


  1. Hi from Kirstie's Mum & Dad.
    Congratulations on finishing the training on such a positive note. Hope you all enjoy the special meal, and that anyone who has been on a long diet before this trip does not put all the weight back on again!
    Enjoy the next two weeks, take it easy and have fun.

  2. Glad to hear that the training went well! Nice that you met up with Alinafe again and the sunset looks amazing (where was that?).Where was the nice dinner?? Cant wait to hear the stories and see the pics!! Much Love Hazel xx

  3. Pleased to hear that your training ha sgone well. You should be very proud of yourselves. Well done everyone!
    Love Wendy

  4. Hi Team Malawi !!

    You look like you have had a great time and made some memories that will live with you all forever. One thing for sure is that you will helped to change the lives of the girls and ladies that you have been working with. That alone puts you in a very slect group of people. We are so proud of what you have achieved.

    Graham and Janet

  5. Hi

    Lovely photographs but you look a bit travel sick on the back of the pick-up, Elizabeth!

    Glad all has gone well - we shall expect to see examples of the dancing when you get back.

    Enjoy the next part of your adventure!
