Monday 25 July 2011

Welcome to our blog!

Hey! :)

We are team Malawi made up of 6 members of Girlguiding UK from around the UK. We are out in Malawi for 3 and a half weeks developing guiding in the country and running trainings from communication skills to self esteem, leadership, human rights, first aid and more. We hope to update our blog as regularly as possible.

So wondering who exactly we are? Heres a little description from each of us about who we are and our role while on project.

Lorelei - Hi! I'm Lorelei, I am 26 years old and I live in Fleet, Hampshire. I am a primary school teacher. I run a Brownie unit and a Senior Section. This is my second year going to Malawi, I am returning this year as the group leader! I'm looking forward to seeing the ladies we trained last year and hope its going to be an exciting project!

Kirstie - Hiya!  I'm Kirstie, I'm 26 years old and I am from Kent.  I work for the UK Government.  I'm going to be first aider while we are in Malawi.  I'm really looking forward to training Guide leaders and Guides in Malawi and experiencing African culture! x :)

Ruth - Hi there! I'm Ruth, I am 25 years old and I live in Morden, South West London. I am the secretary for  the project so have had fun typing up the minutes for all our many phone conferences! I am really looking forward to going to Malawi, this is the first time I will have travelled outside of Europe. I can't wait to meet all of the people!        

Emily - Hey! My name is Emily and I'm 18 years old and just finished my A Levels. I live in Chelmsford in Essex and am a young leader at my local Guide unit and I am a Ranger. I am also a presenter on the Guiding Essex North East Radio Show, GENE. My role on project is Documenter so I'll be keeping records of everything we are up to. I'm really excited to go to Malawi as it will be my first time to Africa and I'm looking forward to meeting the people and experiencing another culture. :)

Elizabeth - Hi - I'm Elizabeth and I'm 24 years old and from Leeds.  I am a primary school teacher and work in year 3.  During the trip I am the treasurer (totally not my idea!!) so I'm responsible for the money and keeping track of what we spend and when.   I'm so excited to travel to Africa and experience nsima!!!! :-) xx

Hayley - Hi I'm Hayley, I'm 21 years old and have just graduated from university as a primary school teacher. I live in Runcorn which is near Liverpool. During the project my role is resources so I will be ensuring we have the correct resources needed for the trainings we deliver. The project is my first experience of travelling so I am really looking forward to learning about the culture of Malawi and having a great time!!

We are relieved that we are able to go after reading about the current political situation in Malawi. Fingers crossed nothing too exciting occurs while we are over there!

We hope you enjoy our blog and keeping up to date with what we are up to :) xx


  1. Hi from Kirstie's Mum & Dad,
    Hope you all have a super time and that it doesn't rain (we found Kirstie's Pac-a-Mac under the settee!). The new shed is now up and looks wonderful!

  2. Sam Parker - Emily's boyfriend :)Monday, July 25, 2011 5:42:00 pm

    Hope you all have an awesome time! Looking forward to hearing about all you get up to!

    Safe journey out there!

    Sam :)

  3. Sam Lewis - hayleys fiancéMonday, July 25, 2011 7:14:00 pm

    Heyyyyy I hope you all have a brilliant time in Malawi. Can't wait to read and see the pics all about Malawi :-)

    Have lots of fun

    Sam Lewis

  4. Enjoy Team Malawi 2011!! Love every minute cant wait to here the stories!!! xx

  5. Susan (Elizabeth's mum)Monday, July 25, 2011 9:40:00 pm

    Wishing you a safe journey and a successful project.

  6. Hi to Hayley and the team 8-)

    We hope you have a great time in Malawi and make a big difference to plenty of young people over there!

    Take care and keep blogging!

    Graham and Janet
