Thursday 28 July 2011

1st Day of Training

Hey guys,

Today we started our first day of training with a pretty early get up! When we got up we found that something had eaten through our food bag and eaten some of our bananas in Elizabeth, Emily and Ruth's room. Was pretty scary as whatever had eaten it must have been very close to Ruth's head!!

We were picked up at 9 for our first training and were met by 8 members of MAGGA who we started training with. By the end of the day there were 12 members and we expect more to arrive tomorrow.
We started off with some icebreakers and then recapped the first aid which they had learnt from last year which they all seemed to remember! They also told us that they had managed to plan and run a camp thanks to last year's training.

Our main training today was on planning a successful training, use of resources and visual aids during presentations and activities. They especially loved learning new songs and games which they also taught us and we had great fun.

We had our first experience of Nsima (the local cuisine) which was interesting and boiling hot. It took us a bit by surprise that we'd have to eat with our hands!!

We are now all very tired and looking forward to another days training tomorrow!

Love from
Team Malawi x


  1. Sam Parker - Emily's boyfriendThursday, July 28, 2011 7:07:00 pm

    Sounds like you're having a great time and a making a good impact out there already! :) 1st of many successful training sessions I'm sure!

  2. I am so impressed that they remembered things and ran a camp!!!! I am so happy that they have taken somethings on board and give you hope that they will take what you teach on board too!! So glad Golden Peacock is still serving classic brekkie - Yum!! Nice to hear the updates lots of love hazel xx

  3. aaahhh thats soo exciting! I can't believe they have ran their own camp....I can't wait to hear the full story behind that! Hope you are enjoying all the singing and dancing! adele x

  4. Hi from Kirstie's Mum and Dad.
    Still haven't worked out how to do the profile bit, but glad to hear that you're all having a good time. It's not the first time that at least one of you has eaten with her hands!

  5. Sounds amazing! Ruth, we do hope that incident hasn't prevented you from having a banana and drinking some water

  6. I am sooo proud and pleased that MAGGA ran their own camp! Its fab to know we made a difference and it must give you all motivation to know that you will all make a difference too!! Glad everything is going well and hope you are enjoying the breaking into song!
    Rach xx
